Renew Europe argues Johannes Hahn will have to rely on Parliament as Budget Commissioner

The joint hearing of Johannes Hahn, Commissioner-designate for the Budget and Administration, by the Parliamentary Budgets Committee (BUDG) and the Budgetary Control Committee (CONT), was considered satisfactory by Renew Europe, although he omitted to answer certain questions and did not give full details on certain aspects of the next budgetary initiatives of the Commission. After being asked questions by Valérie HAYER (Renaissance, France), Olivier CHASTEL (MR, Belgium), Clotilde ARMAND (Uniunea Salvaţi România, Romania) and Katalin CSEH (Momemtum, Hungary), Mr. Hahn nonetheless responded broadly to the group’s political expectations. Renew Europe intends to remind Mr Hahn of his commitments during the exercise of his functions.
Valerie HAYER, coordinator of Renew Europe on BUDG, said: "We expect the next Budget Commissioner to act as an honest broker between Parliament and the Council. Parliament must be considered, including in its priorities. We are counting on his strong commitment towards the Council to advance the reform of own resources, prior to Parliament's agreement on the next financial framework ".
Olivier CHASTEL, vice-president of BUDG and coordinator of Renew Europe in CONT, added: "We need a budget commissioner strong enough to withstand the pressure of EU Member States and fully convinced of the urgency to put in place a mechanism that responds effectively and quickly to violations of the rule of law in a Member State."