Verhofstadt reiterates his opposition to the Spitzenkandidaten-process as long as the system is not embedded in transnational lists

Guy Verhofstadt has voted against the declaration drafted by the EPP, S&D and Greens to claim that the next Commission President can only be a Spitzenkandidat, because as long as the Spitzenkandidaten-system is not embedded in transnational lists it is not serious, nor democratic.
Guy Verhofstadt: "The EPP is pushing hard for the Spitzenkandidaten-system, but unfortunately they killed its legitimacy when they voted against transnational lists. They try to ride to power on a horse that they already slaughtered themselves."
"A Spitzen-candidate that you cannot vote for in the whole of Europe is simply not serious. For us it is important that the next President of the Commission is representing a broad pro-European majority with a clear programme to renew Europe."