Ensuring a clean and healthy environment is one of Renew Europe’s priorities. Healthy soils are an essential part of the solution to ensure a sustainable and resilient economy, society and environment as they increase resilience to climate change, to extreme weather events, drought and floods, and provide food and biomass for bioeconomy.
In this seminar, Renew Europe will discuss with stakeholders the current experiences, challenges and solutions in the area of soil monitoring. The panellists will include representatives of European institutions, experts from Member States, representatives from regional and local level, private sector and academia. A keynote speech will be given by Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius (tbc), Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries. Please join us for discussion!
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Event Agenda
16:00-16:10 Welcoming and introductory remarks
by co-hosting MEPs Martin Hojsik, Elsi Katainen and Nils Torvalds
16:10-16:20 Keynote speech by Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius
Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
16:20-17:30 Roundtable
- Jaakko Nippala, Ministerial adviser in the Finnish ministry of agriculture and forestry: "Soil monitoring in agriculture and forestry"
- Miira Riipinen, Director, Urban development and Environment Unit, Association of Finnish Municipalities: “Soil legislation, implementation and impacts on local land use and urban planning”
- Ladislav Miko, Scientist and Advisor to the President of the Czech Republic: “Life in soil”
- Carlos António Guerra, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Leipzig: “European cooperation as the basis for soil monitoring and conservation across Member States”
- Adrienne de Malleray, co founder of Genesis, a company which measures environmental impact on land through soil health
Moderator: tbc
17:30-17:50 Q&A Session including online questions
17:50-18:00 Concluding session
Concluding remarks by the co-hosting MEPs