Green innovation in chemistry through REACH
European Parliament, ANTALL room JAN 4Q1| Interpretation EN-FR-DE +++ LIVESTREAMING

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Chemicals are part of our daily lives and present in the goods we use and high-tech materials needed for a circular and climate neutral economy.
The European Commission adopted its Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability on 14 October 2020. The strategy is part of the EU’s zero pollution ambition – a key commitment of the European Green Deal – and aims to better protect citizens and the environment from harmful chemicals, and boost innovation by promoting the use of safer and more sustainable chemicals.
The 2006 Regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (widely known as REACH) is the cornerstone of EU chemicals legislation. A targeted revision of the regulation is currently programmed for the fourth quarter of the year.
In this seminar, Renew Europe will discuss with stakeholders the upcoming revision and the role green innovations can play protecting the health of our citizens. The debate will focus on the role of safe alternatives and the solutions the European industry can provide. The panelists will include representatives of the European Commission, ECHA, business representatives and civil society organisations.
The closing session keynote speech will be given by Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries.
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9 March 2023, 09:00-11:30 hours, room JAN 4Q1
Interpretation EN-FR-DE
09:00-09:10 Welcoming and introductory remarks
by co-hosting MEPs Nils Torvalds, Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, Martin Hojsík
09:10-09:30 European Commission
Cristina de Avila, Head of the Sustainable Chemicals Unit, DG ENV, European Commission
Giuseppe Casella, Head of REACH unit, DG GROW, European Commission
09:30-10:10 I Panel innovation
Moderator: Martin Hojsik
09:30-09:40 Mercedes Vinas, Director of Submissions and Interaction, European Chemicals Agency
09:40-09:50 Marco Mensink, Director General, Cefic
09:50-10:00 Bettina Roth, Head of Quality Management, VAUDE
10:00-10:10 Adly Manseri, Counsellor for Environment, Permanent Representation of Belgium to the European Union
10:10-10:25 Q&A Session including online questions
10:25-10:55 II Panel health: Why we need a revision to protect the health of Europeans? Moderator: Véronique Trillet-Lenoir
10:25-10:35 Frida Hök, Deputy Director, Chemsec
10:35-10:45 Natacha Cingotti, Lead of Health and Chemicals Programme, Health and Environmental Alliance (HEAL)
10:45-10:55 Hanna Korhonen, Ministerial Adviser, Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
10:55-11:10 Q&A Session including online questions
11:10-11:30 Concluding session
Keynote speech by Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius
Concluding remarks by the co-hosting MEPs