During the Renew EU-China seminar, Renew Europe will present its EU-China strategy paper and discuss with a renowned Hong Kong opposition leader, a survivor of a Chinese detention camp and well-knows China pundits the current state of EU-China affairs. How should Europe deal with the upcoming dragon, how do we protect our interest and how do we make sure the rules-based world order prevails? Which areas provide opportunities for closer cooperation? Online viewers will be able to ask question to the speakers.

- Hilde Vautmans MEP, Standing Rapporteur on China for the European Parliament
How should the EU deal with China?
- Simon Mordue, Head of External Relations in the cabinet of President of the European Council Charles Michel
- Theresa Fallon, Founder and director of the Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies (CREAS) in Brussels
- François Godement, Senior Advisor at the Institut Montaigne
- Jonathan Holslag, Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Moderated by Hilde Vautmans. Followed by a Q&A
The situation in Xinjang and Hong Kong
- Gulbahar Haitiwaji, Survivor of a Chinese detention camp
- Nathan Law, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist:
Moderated by Bernard Guetta. Followed by a Q&A
- Bernard Guetta MEP, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
Interpretation provided in English and French.
This meeting will be webstreamed.