How do we make increased traceability a success for consumers and fishers?
The Renew group has made enhanced traceability and labelling of all seafood products one of our priorities.

The Renew group has made enhanced traceability and labelling of all seafood products one of our priorities. We do this in order to be able to empower consumers to make more informed choices when going to the grocery store. We do this because we want to support sustainable and responsible fisheries and aquaculture and give these sectors possibility to develop sustainably. We do this because we also want to step up the fight to combat Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU).
Parliament has recently adopted its position and are ready to negotiate with council the Fisheries Control Regulation, which takes big steps towards ensuring traceability throughout the value chain. We are also in the beginning on the work related to the Farm to Fork strategy, which to our mind should have more focus also on fisheries and aquaculture products.
It is clear that more work needs to be done to give consumers the information they need to make informed choices in the grocery store - to empower us to know and demand food products which has been caught or harvested sustainably and in accordance with all rules and the high standards of the EU. And more information will give us a better level playing field where quality and sustainability even more can provide a competitive advantage.
This webinar seeks to highlight the upside to more traceability, why it is needed and how it can help us to improve our food systems, including help in the fight against IUU-fishing. It will also try to address some of the concerns showed by some parts of the food industry to complexity of traceability requirements.