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Russiagate landscape EP

Russiagate: MEPs and European election candidates who accepted Russian money must be exposed

Type: Press Release

Following allegations made by European leaders and security services about payments made by Russian proxies to MEPs and candidates in the forthcoming European elections, Renew Europe moved to secure a debate on this issue in the European Parliament, which was held today. During the debate,…
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Duotone filter for images with bad contrast 1

Renew Europe secures innovative, progressive and future-oriented approach in the EU’s budgetary guidelines for 2025

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the plenary adoption of Parliament’s guidelines for the budgetary year of…
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Money laundering landscape OK

Hearings on AMLA’s future headquarters: Renew Europe will deliver guarantees for a fully transparent and fair selection process

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today's official kick-off of the public hearings to decide on the Anti-Money…
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Orban eu funds landscape

Defending Democracy, Upholding Values

Type: Campaign

A strong stand against assaults on the Rule of Law

The European Union grapples with a democracy and rule of law crisis in a growing number of Member…
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Contrast background 2 003

Breakfast foods: More precise information benefits consumer confidence

Type: Press Release

In a modern version of the traditional saying that we are what we eat, we might as well add that…
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Stop Hate Landscape

Hate speech and hate crimes must become EU-recognised crimes

Type: Press Release

As hate crimes have significantly risen in Europe - and most recently against Jewish and Muslim…
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Own resources landscape

Stronger Own Resources, Stronger European Union

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is proud to continue to lead Parliament's work in favour of strengthening the…
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Online platforms landscape

Online platforms must clean up their act

Type: Press Release

The flood of disinformation and illegal content disseminated on social media platforms on events in…
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PR on Polish elections

Renew Europe’s Polska 2050 holds the keys to Poland’s return to the heart of Europe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is today celebrating the confirmed results of national elections in Poland. The…
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Renew secures key increases in the EU budget for 2024

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption in the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets of the EU…
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