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1725464479815 20240904 EP 171628 A DLL 198 MOBILE

EU competitiveness relaunch a priority for Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

Following an exchange of views with Mario Draghi today in the European Parliament, ahead of the expected launch of his report on EU competitiveness, Renew Europe President Valérie Hayer strongly welcomed the exchange and looks forward to the report’s publication. Renew Europe hopes and expects that…
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Net Zero Industry Act Stars landscape OKF

Renew Europe shapes groundbreaking legislation for EU reindustrialisation

Type: Press Release

The deindustrialisation of Europe is a real threat. This is the main warning of the recently…
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Groundbreaking legislation to combat forced labour worldwide

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today’s vote on the new legislation banning products produced using forced…
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Late payments regulation v2 landscape

Renew Europe addresses historic demand from SMEs with a balanced regulation to combat late payments across the EU

Type: Press Release

More than 80% of businesses, especially SMEs, are hit by payment delays, which hinder their growth,…
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Boosting growth and competitiveness is not at odds with fiscal consolidation

Type: Press Release

The way in which the EU's economic governance is articulated is crucial to maintain the balance…
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The Europe of 2029 must be a global giant

Type: Press Release

Following the agreement at the latest Special European Council to make progress on European…
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PHOTO 2024 04 17 16 40 42

Thorough and timely Letta Report opens the debate on the future of the Single Market

Type: Press Release

With the long-awaited Report on the Future of the Single Market by former Italian Prime-minister…
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Competitive edge landscape

European Council must adopt an ambitious new European competitiveness deal with citizens and businesses at its heart

Type: Press Release

In a letter to European Union Heads of States of Governments, the President of Renew Europe,…
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Energy reform landscape

EP endorses key energy reforms for greater consumer protection and more hydrogen production in Europe

Type: Press Release

The EU climate and energy transition and our full energy independence from Russia will not thrive…
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Emission vote PR

Reduce them and grab them! Renew Europe supports final parts of the Green Deal on reducing and capturing greenhouse gas emissions

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today's final consent of three interinstitutional agreements to reduce…
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