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Belarus: Renew Europe calls for stronger coordinated sanctions against Lukashenka’s regime

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament urged today the Council to proceed with urgency with the fifth package of sanctions by focusing on individuals and entities involved in the crackdown and repression in Belarus and on those involved in trafficking human beings. It also expressed its…
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Hybrid threats: Renew Europe outlines proposals for collective countermeasures as part of a new EU toolbox

Type: Press Release

Policy paper

Renew Europe strongly believes that the European Union needs a new set of voluntary instruments…
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Whats App Image 2021 09 23 at 11 15 41

Renew Europe welcomes scrapping of anti-LGBT resolution by Polish region, calls on others to follow

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has today welcomed news that the Polish region of Swietokrzyskie has scrapped their…
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Renew Europe supports the setting up of an Ethics body and urges all EU institutions to do so

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the vote on the report on the setting up of an independent EU ethics body in…
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Renew Europe calls for new security measures against cyber-attacks targeting the European Parliament and better security screening

Type: Press Release

It’s not a surprise for anyone: the European institutions are the targets of cyber-attacks. For a…
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Poland image021 09 15 at 09 27 42 2

Renew Europe condemns the Polish Government's "frontal attack" on media freedom and the rule of law

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is deeply disturbed to witness how media freedom, a core pillar of democracy, is…
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Dacian Cioloş urges Commission President: “Time for us to become a Europe of results”

Type: Press Release

Today during the annual debate today on the “State of the Union” in the European Parliament in…
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Renew Europe welcomes penalties imposed on the Polish Government for undermining the independence of judges

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the decisions taken today by the European Commission, requesting the European…
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Orban’s recovery plan: all the more reason for cast iron guarantees

Type: Press Release

Today the European Commission released its yearly assessment of the Rule of law situation in…
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Whats App Image 2021 07 06 at 09 24 02 1

European Commission’s Rule of Law report shows conditionality mechanism must be applied urgently, says Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

The European Commission’s second Rule of Law report, published today, is an alarm bell showing the…
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