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1712 thumb e3d1

Renew Europe supports VAT slash on COVID-19 vaccines

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament will approve today, through an urgent procedure, to allow EU countries to reduce or eliminate the Value-Added-Tax (VAT) rate on COVID-19 vaccines and related testing devices until 2022. The MEPs from the main political Groups in the Parliament, including Renew Europe,…
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1701 thumb d08d

Renew Europe ready to work with ECB Board on gender-balance and green initiatives

Type: Press Release

The candidate put forward by euro-area governments for the European Central Bank’s Executive Board,…
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1682 thumb 580b

Renew Europe welcomes Frank Elderson's appointment, but regret the lack of a female candidate short-listed during the nomination process

Type: Press Release

The candidate put forward by euro-area governments for the European Central Bank’s Executive Board,…
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1678 thumb 8cc7

Renew Europe negotiators put EU priorities at the heart of the recovery plan.

Type: Press Release

Members of the Budgetary and Economic Affairs Committees today adopted their position on the…
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1646 thumb 6f1f

Europe must be a global leader in the fight against money laundering

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament’s plenary session hosted a debate on the Fight against money laundering,…
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1644 thumb 60aa

“The pandemic made Europeans go digital, now EU legislation must catch up”, says Rapporteur of the report on Digital Finance.

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament has overwhelmingly supported the report on Digital Finance, led by Ondřej…
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1639 thumb 80da

Renew Europe MEPs react to Eurogroup's male-only list of candidates to ECB Board.

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe deplores the decision made by the Eurogroup to present, once again, a male-only…
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1634 thumb 3bb1

Renew Europe backs Mairéad McGuinness to deliver ambitious reform and secure a brighter financial future for all Europeans

Type: Press Release

After being cross-examined this morning in the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs…
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1624 thumb 5dd1

ECB Board: nominate a woman and a man for Parliament to pick from, Renew Europe MEPs say

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) MEPs in the European Parliament have adopted…
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1584 thumb 681d

Renew Europe hails recovery fund as an historic move, backs cross-party resolution calling for the opening of negotiations to improve the EU's 7-year budget.

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the Recovery instrument agreed by the European Council. The Instrument is a…
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