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1678 thumb 8cc7

Renew Europe negotiators put EU priorities at the heart of the recovery plan.

Type: Press Release

Members of the Budgetary and Economic Affairs Committees today adopted their position on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the programme through which most of the EU recovery money will be channelled. Renew Europe MEPs have entered the talks with other parliamentary groups with three…
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1672 thumb 2bf2

No more EU money for rule breakers: Renew Europe family hails groundbreaking agreement on rule of law

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament and the Council have reached a provisional agreement on a Rule of law…
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Budget 2021: an EU budget to combat the economic and health crisis

Type: Press Release

At the initiative of Renew Europe, the Parliamentary Committee on Budgets (BUDG) decided to make…
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1609 thumb 4bed

Covid-19 crisis: additional credits to finance a vaccine and help regions deal with the recession

Type: Press Release

This re-entry under pressure reminds us that the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic remains more…
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1604 thumb 223b

Recovery plan: the European Parliament gives the green light for european borrowing and asks for new own resources

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament, meeting in plenary session today in Brussels, has adopted the report from…
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EU Budget 2021: Renew Europe calls for an ambitious bridge between the old and new financial framework

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is disappointed with the Council's approach to the 2021 draft budget. The ambassadors…
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For Renew Europe, European healthcare is priceless, its costs must be met

Type: Press Release

The persistence of the pandemic threat at the start of the new school year is once again placing…
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MFF 2021-2027: Renew Europe approaches negotiations with the council with ambition and determination

Type: Press Release

As the first negotiation round on the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework opens today in…
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1584 thumb 681d

Renew Europe hails recovery fund as an historic move, backs cross-party resolution calling for the opening of negotiations to improve the EU's 7-year budget.

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the Recovery instrument agreed by the European Council. The Instrument is a…
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1583 thumb e5df

Dacian Cioloş: Time to bring the magic back to our European Project

Type: Press Release

Speaking today in the European Parliament’s debate on the outcome of this week’s European Summit,…
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