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Position Paper Digital Euro landscape

Digital euro: let’s make our common currency a secure, reliable and competitive means of payment fit for the digital age!

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes the European Commission’s legislative proposal establishing a digital euro, which aims to provide the EU with a solid regulatory framework to be at the forefront of digital transformations in the payments sector, while getting everyone on board. Renew Europe, as the…
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Oligarchs from circumventing

The EU must be a responsible trade and investment power

Type: Press Release

While our trade and investment agreements are key for supply diversification, it is high time to…
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BUDG MFF review

Proposed EU Budget is “Fit for 2021”, regrets Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

A year after the start of the Russian war in Ukraine and the announcement of the $369 billion…
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SD Gs STRS 2023

The EU must make more efforts to achieve by 2030 the global goals on halting climate change, achieving social justice and sustainable development

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament adopted today in plenary session the second annual report on the EU’s…
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Batteries landscape

The new European batteries regulation is a win for the EU and for the climate

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today’s final vote in plenary on a new fully harmonized regulation for…
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EPP Ovisual

Expand EPPO's mandate to stop Russian oligarchs from circumventing EU sanctions

Type: Press Release

Since Russia's aggression on Ukraine started, the EU has put in place mounting sanctions against…
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EU Ethic Body Transparency landscape

The Commission’s EU Ethics body is toothless and does not meet EU citizens' expectations

Type: Press Release

Today, the European Parliament held a debate on the European Commission's proposal to set up an…
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Intelligent TRANSPORT

Modernisation of intelligent transport systems for safer and more fuel-efficient driving

Type: Press Release

A major step towards a low-carbon road transport policy was reached today by the European…
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Press Banner Business Days Morten OK

Business Days: let’s make the EU Single Market a window of opportunity for businesses!

Type: Press Release

Non-regulation is as bad as over-regulation, this is one of the main conclusions of the second and…
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Eu budget 2024 landscape

EU budget 2024: no serious negotiation can start without a revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has repeatedly warned of the threats hanging over the EU budget, and the European…
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