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1747 thumb b255

DSA/DMA: Europe needs to find its own digital model

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes the launch of the Digital Single Market Act and Digital Markets Act by Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager and EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton. Renew Europe has long called for action to put in place a proportionate,…
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Collective redress: consumer rights better protected in Europe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption of the Directive on the Representative action for the protection…
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1656 thumb 3c85

Samuel Paty: Renew Europe pays its respects, pledges action against extremism and online hate

Type: Press Release

The Renew group joins in the grief of the family, relatives and students of the teacher Samuel…
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Digital Services Act: Renew Europe sends a strong message to the European Commission.

Type: Press Release

In view of the Commission's forthcoming adoption of the Digital Services Act, the European…
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1635 thumb 2f39

Digital services: new rules are needed to protect users' fundamental rights

Type: Press Release

In view of the European Commission's forthcoming adoption of the Digital Services Act, the European…
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Artificial Intelligence: encouraging innovation and protecting the user

Type: Press Release

The Legal Affairs Committee today adopted 3 reports on artificial intelligence. This vote is part…
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Brexit: The full and timely implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement is a pre-condition for any future relationship

Type: Press Release

Following a meeting of the European Parliament’s UK Coordination Group (UKCG) today, in the…
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