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Phase 2 green deal v1 landscape 1

A Green Future for all Europeans

Type: Campaign

We recognise the great climate challenge we face together. The effects of climate change can be felt in Europe today. Our goal is to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. This is not an easy task, but we work every day to get the job done and deliver the European green transition in a pragmatic and…
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Net Zero Industry and Critical Raw Materials Acts: subsidies are no silver bullet

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today´s announcements by the European Commission on the Net Zero…
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EU´s internal electricity market reform: more integration of the European energy system, flexibility and more effective mechanisms to shield vulnerable consumers

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today´s proposals by the European Commission on the EU´s internal…
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Energy efficient houses OKEY

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: a flexible plan to help EU households and businesses renovate their buildings to save on energy bills

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s plenary backing of the revision of the Energy Performance…
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Data act landscape FV

Data Act: for a competitive and innovative data market with a user-centred approach

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s plenary endorsement of the Data Act, aiming to setting new…
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Energy efficiency landscape

Energy Efficiency Directive: final agreement could have been more ambitious, but is an important step forward

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s interinstitutional agreement on the recast of the Energy…
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REACH landscape

Renew Europe urges the Commission to complete a swift and bold review of the REACH regulation

Type: Press Release

At the Renew Europe seminar 'Green innovation in chemistry through REACH' held this morning in…
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IRIS landscape OK

IRIS²: the EU’s response to Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites project

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s plenary backing of the EU secure connectivity programme,…
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Energy performance of buildings

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: sustainable buildings, sustainable future

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes the ITRE Committee´s backing of the revision of the Energy…
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Gas and Hydrogen regulations

Gas and Hydrogen markets: Renew Europe calls for more transparency and improved network planning to enhance energy security, efficiency and affordability in the EU

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today´s endorsement by the Committee on Industry, Research and…
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