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European Chips Act strengthens Europe’s technological leadership

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is convinced that the European Chips Act, adopted today in plenary, bolsters European companies’ competitiveness in semiconductor technologies. It is a huge leap forward towards strategic digital autonomy within the Union. 3.3 billion euros is allotted from the EU budget for the period…
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Energy efficiency landscape

Green light for new EU energy efficiency targets to lower bills and boost energy independence, while promoting growth and competitiveness

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s plenary endorsement of the trilogue agreement on the recast…
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Press Banner Business Days Morten OK

Business Days: let’s make the EU Single Market a window of opportunity for businesses!

Type: Press Release

Non-regulation is as bad as over-regulation, this is one of the main conclusions of the second and…
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Press Banner Business Days DLABAJOVA

Business Days: listening, supporting and empowering European SMEs, a priority for Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

The Business Days have kicked-off today at the European Parliament, a Renew Europe’s two-day major…
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Untitled design 7 2022 06 08 153103 drot

Renew Europe calls for swift negotiations with the Council and a fast implementation of ASAP

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s adoption by this House, under…
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Critical Raw Materials

Critical Raw Materials: Renew Europe sets out its priorities for secure, diversified, affordable and sustainable supplies

Type: Press Release

Critical raw materials are the lifeblood of our transition to a digital and green economy. They are…
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Clean air pollution 002

New rules on methane emissions will fight climate change

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today's plenary approval of the regulation to reduce methane emissions in the…
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Untitled design 7 2022 06 08 153103 drot

The EU must increase its ammunition production and defence capabilities, while continuing to help Ukraine

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s proposal by the European…
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European cyber package PR

Without a truly European cybersecurity policy, no strong European Union is possible

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today´s announcements by the European Commission on the…
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Renewable energy landscape

For a boost of renewable energy in the EU: agreement on revised legislation to accelerate the climate and energy transition

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s agreement between the European Parliament, the Commission…
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