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Euro 7 002

Renew Europe supports a Euro7 package deal that ensures cleaner vehicles and improved air quality

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s approval in plenary of a package deal on the Euro 7 emissions standards. The package deal on the Euro 7 emissions standards, will ensure cleaner vehicles on our roads and improved air quality, benefiting the health of our citizens…
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Own resources landscape

Stronger Own Resources, Stronger European Union

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is proud to continue to lead Parliament's work in favour of strengthening the…
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Energy Reforms landscape ok

We need agreements on crucial energy reforms before the EU elections

Type: Press Release

The EU has made great progress in establishing the foundations of a renewables-centred and…
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Capture decran 2023 10 25 a 11 44 13

Time to update the EU Treaties and deliver a geopolitical Europe

Type: Press Release

Over a year ago, in June 2022, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for a…
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Net zero industry act landscape

Net Zero Industry Act: it’s time for more cleantech production in the EU!

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today's endorsement by the Committee on Industry, Research and…
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Win for people and nature with PFAS and Bisphenol A banned for contact food packaging.

Type: Press Release

Packaging protects products, makes them suitable for transport and safe for use, and is therefore…
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Euro 7 002

Renew Europe supports a Euro 7 package deal that ensures cleaner vehicles and improved air quality

Type: Press Release

The package deal on the Euro 7 emissions standards, together with the recently agreed Regulation…
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Renew secures key increases in the EU budget for 2024

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption in the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets of the EU…
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Renew welcomes STEP, but fully fledged Sovereignty Fund needed to deliver on challenges ahead

Type: Press Release

As the European Parliament adopts its negotiation position on the Strategic Technologies for Europe…
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Clean water is a win for everyone

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s vote in plenary on the update of the Urban Wastewater…
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