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PR Visualhearings

Renew Europe will hold proposed new Climate Commissioners to account

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe endorses the two proposed Commissioners-designate, Mr Hoekstra and Mr Šefčovič, and calls on them to take up their respective assignments on climate action and the Green Deal agenda and get to work. We remind both that they will be accountable to the Parliament and we expect the…
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Legible labelling and safer packaging of chemicals reduces people's and nature's exposure to harmful substances

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe will today vote in favour of the updated regulation on the classification, labelling…
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Claudia Buch ECB

Vote on ECB's supervisory board: not respecting European Parliament’s authority should be the exception and not the rule

Type: Press Release

In the framework of the election process of the Chair of ECB’s Supervisory Board, Renew Europe…
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Renew Europe supports clean water for everyone

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s approval in ENVI committee of the update of the Urban…
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PR SME Relief package blue ok

SME Relief Package must be adopted before EU elections

Type: Press Release

Following the Commission’s presentation of the SME Relief Package, Renew Europe is pleased that…
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TRAN Re Fuel EU aviation 2

RefuelEU: Renew Europe welcomes ambitious and credible legislation to decarbonise air transport

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption today by the European Parliament, meeting in plenary session in…
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Renew Europe fights for clean air for all European citizens

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s adoption in plenary of the…
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Clean and healthy aquatic ecosystems benefit public health

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s adoption in plenary of the revised legal frameworks in the…
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Renewable energy landscape OK

Renewable Energy Directive: new targets ensure EU´s energy independence and lay the groundwork for a climate-resilient Europe

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s plenary endorsement of the revised Renewable Energy…
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PR electric market

EU´s electricity market reform: boost for energy security, price stability and decarbonisation, while ensuring market flexibility and competitiveness

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today´s adoption by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy…
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