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Energy Shield

Renew Europe calls for a ‘European energy shield’ to protect households and businesses from the global energy crisis

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group in the European Parliament has today outlined a bold plan for European action to tackle the rising costs of energy, triggered by Vladimir Putin’s despicable invasion of Ukraine and his weaponisation of global energy supplies. Renew Europe calls for urgent measures to protect…
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Rising cost of living

Tackling the rising cost of living demands an ambitious economic and social roadmap

Type: Press Release

During today’s plenary debate on EU initiatives to address the rising cost of living, including the…
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MiCA: deal ensures an innovative and future proof regulation for crypto assets in Europe

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s interinstitutional agreement on…
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The Recovery and Resilience Facility builds a stronger Europe, but there are important lessons to be learnt

Type: Press Release

In July 2020, to respond to the economic crisis triggered by the pandemic, the EU institutions…
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Tax deal veto: PM Orban's blackmailing is deplorable

Type: Press Release

The shameful misuse of vetoes in the European Council by illiberal Government's is fast becoming an…
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European Strategic Autonomy

European Parliament endorses demands for Gerhard Schröder to be added to the EU sanctions list and for the creation of a new Strategic Autonomy Fund for Europe (SAFE)

Type: Press Release

We welcome the European Parliament's adoption of the Renew Europe-led resolution on “The social and…
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Minimum level of taxation

European Parliament supports the global agreement for a minimum taxation for multinationals

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today´s Plenary endorsement of the report on a minimum level of…
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Rebuilding Ukraine is a common endeavour, which requires EU solidarity and the use of Russia’s confiscated assets

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has welcomed the proposals unveiled by the European Commission today, including €9…
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DORA trilogue

DORA: deal secures a flexible, proportional and future-proof cybersecurity regulation for EU´s financial sector

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s interinstitutional agreement on…
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Sixth Russian sanction package is progress but EU must go further

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the announcement of the sixth sanction package against Russia, but recalls…
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