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Gas and Hydrogen markets: deal paves the road for decarbonisation and greater energy security in the EU

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today´s interinstitutional agreement on the recast of the gas and hydrogen markets regulation, and of the directive (reached on 27 November). The revised legislation is an important part of the overall Union framework to decarbonise our energy industry, develop a resilient…
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Energy efficient houses file landscape ok

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD): deal frames the roadmap to bring EU buildings to climate neutrality

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today’s interinstitutional agreement on the recast of the Energy Performance…
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E ID landscape

European Digital Identity: a key tool to enable trust and participation in the Digital Single Market

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today’s committee endorsement of improved rules helping Member States to…
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Late payments regulation OKEY

Late Payments Regulation: we need to improve the payment culture to unleash the full potential of SMEs

Type: Press Release

Stable payment processes are vital for the EU's economic health, particularly for small and…
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Cyber resilience act PR

Renew Europe led Cyber Resilience Act to become new international point on reference on cybersecurity

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe continues to lead the digitalisation of the EU single market and setting new…
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Renew Europe leads the creation of a European digital infrastructure

Type: Press Release

Under Renew Europe’s leadership, the EU’s single market is one step further to being successfully…
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VA Tokk

Renew Europe delivers modernised VAT rules to curb fraud and make compliance more flexible for SMEs

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group played a pivotal role in shaping the VAT rules package endorsed by plenary…
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EU NZ trade agreement landscape

EU-New Zealand deal showcases the potential of sustainable trade

Type: Press Release

The ratification of the EU-New Zealand free trade agreement (FTA) is an important victory for…
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Net zero industry act landscae

Net Zero Industry Act: ready for a real boost for cleantech production in Europe!

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe played a critical role in shaping the report adopted today on the Net Zero Industry…
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SME Assembly Bilbao 2023 PR y Press invite OK

SME Assembly 2023: Renew Europe calls for an ambitious SME Empowering Package in the run up to the European elections

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe participates for the second consecutive year in the edition of the European SME…
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