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We stand with Ukraine

Ukraine: New macro-financial assistance instrument shows EU support remains unwavering!

Type: Press Release

The EU is rising to the challenges caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Today, the European Parliament supported by a large majority the creation of the Macro-financial assistance instrument (MFA+) and the allocation of €18 billion euros in loans to Ukraine for the entirety of 2023. This…
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Commission mustn't help Orban turn Hungary into an irreversible "swamp of corruption

Type: Press Release

Any deal between the European Commission and the Hungarian Government on measures that would allow…
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CULT solidarity

Urgent call for emergency support measures for the Ukrainian cultural sectors

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament strongly endorses the resolution adopted today in…
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No EU funds for Orbán until real reforms to restore the Rule of Law

Type: Press Release

In a plenary debate in the European Parliament today, Renew Europe stressed that the Council should…
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Triggering of the Rule of Law conditionality mechanism against Hungary ‘long overdue’

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the belated steps today taken by the European Commission to trigger the Rule…
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Putin's war reinforces the need to protect the rule of law within EU

Type: Press Release

Putin's war in Ukraine has reminded us of our shared duty to guard democracy and the rule of law…
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European Commission "out of excuses" on Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation after ECJ ruling

Type: Press Release

After today's judgement by the European Court of Justice, rejecting the Hungarian and Polish…
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Renew Europe demands a Committee of Inquiry on the abuse of Pegasus Spyware

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is demanding the European Parliament establishes a Committee of Inquiry on the abuse…
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Orban’s recovery plan: all the more reason for cast iron guarantees

Type: Press Release

Today the European Commission released its yearly assessment of the Rule of law situation in…
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Whats App Image 2021 07 06 at 09 24 02 1

European Commission’s Rule of Law report shows conditionality mechanism must be applied urgently, says Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

The European Commission’s second Rule of Law report, published today, is an alarm bell showing the…
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