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European Parliament to debate possible threats to the rule of law in Spain

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group today supported a move to add a debate on the rule of law in Spain to the agenda of the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg scheduled for next week, with the participation of the Council and the European Commission. A meeting of the Conference of Presidents of…
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SME Assembly Bilbao 2023 PR y Press invite OK

SME Assembly 2023: Renew Europe calls for an ambitious SME Empowering Package in the run up to the European elections

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe participates for the second consecutive year in the edition of the European SME…
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Duotone filter for images with bad contrast 1

Renew Europe secures key funding for citizens in EU's 2024 Budget

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe played a key role in obtaining 800 million Euros of reinforcement to the 2024 Budget…
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Own resources landscape

Stronger Own Resources, Stronger European Union

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is proud to continue to lead Parliament's work in favour of strengthening the…
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Time to update the EU Treaties and deliver a geopolitical Europe

Type: Press Release

Over a year ago, in June 2022, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for a…
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Net zero industry act landscape

Net Zero Industry Act: it’s time for more cleantech production in the EU!

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today's endorsement by the Committee on Industry, Research and…
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Win for people and nature with PFAS and Bisphenol A banned for contact food packaging.

Type: Press Release

Packaging protects products, makes them suitable for transport and safe for use, and is therefore…
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Listing Act

Listing Act Package: easier access to finance for SMEs

Type: Press Release

European companies, especially SMEs, face a structural challenge of access to finance and the stock…
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Renew secures key increases in the EU budget for 2024

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption in the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets of the EU…
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Renew welcomes STEP, but fully fledged Sovereignty Fund needed to deliver on challenges ahead

Type: Press Release

As the European Parliament adopts its negotiation position on the Strategic Technologies for Europe…
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