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Money laundering landscape OK

Hearings on AMLA’s future headquarters: Renew Europe will deliver guarantees for a fully transparent and fair selection process

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today's official kick-off of the public hearings to decide on the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA)'s future seat. Held at an extraordinary meeting of the ECON-LIBE committees, this is a historic process, as it is the first time that the Council and the Parliament will…
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Money laundering landscape OK

Anti-Money Laundering Package: deal strengthens the common framework to crackdown on dirty money in Europe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today’s early inter-institutional agreement reached between the European…
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Orban eu funds landscape

Hungary: EP takes EC to court over frozen EU funds

Type: Press Release

With an unprecedented resolution adopted today, the European Parliament seeks to challenge the…
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Orban eu funds landscape

Defending Democracy, Upholding Values

Type: Campaign

A strong stand against assaults on the Rule of Law

The European Union grapples with a democracy and rule of law crisis in a growing number of Member…
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Stop Hate Landscape

Recognise hate speech and hate crimes as EU-wide offenses to curb the rise of hatred

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament, under the leadership of of MEP Maite Pagazaurtundúa, today sends a strong…
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Breakthrough on crisis regulation landscape

Migration and Asylum Pact Deal delivers a common and sustainable European migration policy

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the inter-institutional agreement reached between the European Parliament and…
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JURI European Certificate of Parenthood

European Parenthood Certificate: Renew Europe wants to allow families to move across Europe without fearing for their rights

Type: Press Release

Au XXIe siècle, en Europe, deux millions d’enfants pourraient encore se retrouver dans un statut…
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JURI due diligence

Corporate due diligence: no business as usual, literally

Type: Press Release

In the early hours of the morning MEPs and Council representatives reached a provisional deal to…
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A European Health Data Space for best medical care across Europe

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group welcomes today's plenary green light on the establishment of a European…
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Whats App Image 2023 12 13 at 11 58 17

EU values are not for sale to Viktor Orbán

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has today co-authored a letter to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von…
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