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Net zero industry act landscape

Net Zero Industry Act: it’s time for more cleantech production in the EU!

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today's endorsement by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the report on the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA). It lays strong foundations for the deployment of a truly European cleantech industry that is able to compete globally and contribute to…
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Listing Act

Listing Act Package: easier access to finance for SMEs

Type: Press Release

European companies, especially SMEs, face a structural challenge of access to finance and the stock…
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Online platforms landscape

Online platforms must clean up their act

Type: Press Release

The flood of disinformation and illegal content disseminated on social media platforms on events in…
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Capture decran 2023 10 16 a 19 30 01

EU ban on products made by forced labour a priority file for Renew Europe for the end of the mandate

Type: Press Release

Today, the committees on International trade (INTA) and on the Internal market and Consumer…
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Renew secures key increases in the EU budget for 2024

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption in the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets of the EU…
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Green bonds ok

European Green Bonds Standard: an ambitious tool to favour green financial markets and ensure transparency for investors

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s plenary backing of the European Green Bonds regulation,…
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Untitled design 7

Trade: The EU will finally be able to fend off blackmail from third countries

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has voted in favour of the anti-coercion instrument that will strengthen our trade…
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Claudia Buch ECB

Vote on ECB's supervisory board: not respecting European Parliament’s authority should be the exception and not the rule

Type: Press Release

In the framework of the election process of the Chair of ECB’s Supervisory Board, Renew Europe…
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PECH scene 1

The Chinese fishing industry: a global threat to fishing resources that must be contained

Type: Press Release

Overfishing, overexploitation of resources and reports of forced labour and exploitation of crews:…
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Renew Europe pushes shorter permitting processes for the development of high-speed internet connectivity

Type: Press Release

Responding to citizens and businesses’ urgent and rising need for more bandwidth and very high…
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