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1416 thumb df32

Renew Europe Group welcomes Juan Guaidó in his first visit to the European Parliament.

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe Group received today Juan Guaidó, legitimate interim president of Venezuela to the European Parliament in Brussels. During his visit, Guaidó was welcomed by Renew Europe President Dacian Cioloș (RO, Plus), Vice-President of the European Parliament Dita Charanzová (ANO, CZ) and Renew…
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Renew Europe: European values and rule of law constantly under attack in Poland and Hungary

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution today to take stock of the Article 7 process…
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Venezuela: Renew Europe Group asks all EU Member States to recognise Juan Guaidó as the legitimate interim president

Type: Press Release

Following the failed attempt by several government officials to illegitimately seize control of the…
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Gender equality at the heart of the European project: Renew Europe wants to build the ‘Simone Veil-Pact’

Type: Press Release

Gender equality at the heart of the European project: Renew Europe wants to build the ‘Simone…
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