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SM Es State SME Union 2023

Renew Europe delivers a strong Parliament resolution for a thriving and competitive SMEs environment

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe embraces today’s plenary endorsement of a Renew Europe-led resolution backing a comprehensive package of proposals to favour a prosperous, competitive and friendly environment for SMEs, a key driver for growth, job creation and social cohesion. Our group played a pivotal role in the…
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Freedom of expression

Journalists and activists will no longer be silenced by abusive lawsuits

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes the adoption today of proposed…
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IT rainbow fam

Italy's Government must respect the rights of LGBTI families

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament is appalled by the decision of the Padova Public…
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Press Banner Business Days DLABAJOVA

Business Days: listening, supporting and empowering European SMEs, a priority for Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

The Business Days have kicked-off today at the European Parliament, a Renew Europe’s two-day major…
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Due diligence

New due diligence rules for large companies: more effective protection of human rights and environment

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes the adoption today in the Legal Affairs…
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Forest Fire

New legislation is necessary to ensure a more effective fight against environmental crimes

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s decision of the members of the…
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Hungary lgbt

Renew Europe calls on the European Parliament to intervene before the European Court of Justice to defend LGBTIQ+ rights in Hungary

Type: Press Release

The infringement procedure against Hungary, targeting the 2021 law discriminating against LGBTIQ+…
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SM Es assembly landscape

Renew Europe, the only political group of the European Parliament present at Europe's most important SMEs event

Type: Press Release

SMEs represent 99 % of all businesses in the EU, so they are a key driver for growth, employment…
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Wo B

The Women on Boards Directive – at last the European Union takes legal measures towards gender equality

Type: Press Release

After ten long years of standstill in the Council, the legislation that increases the presence of…
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CSRD plenary

New rules for corporate reporting - large companies will have to publicly disclose impact on environment and human rights

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group in the European Parliament welcomes the adoption in plenary today of the…
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