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Pandora Papers

Pandora Papers: stricter anti-tax avoidance policies needed to strengthen EU sanctions against Russia

Type: Press Release

Tax evasion can no longer go unpunished in Europe. During a European Parliament plenary debate on the Lessons learned from the Pandora Papers and other revelations, Renew Europe MEPs made it clear that the more inefficient the European financial system is in the fight against tax evasion, the…
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Press Banner Business Days Morten OK

Business Days: let’s make the EU Single Market a window of opportunity for businesses!

Type: Press Release

Non-regulation is as bad as over-regulation, this is one of the main conclusions of the second and…
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Press Banner Business Days DLABAJOVA

Business Days: listening, supporting and empowering European SMEs, a priority for Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

The Business Days have kicked-off today at the European Parliament, a Renew Europe’s two-day major…
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New Rule of Law and anti-corruption measures in the EUs' Financial Regulation

Type: Press Release

Today, the European Parliament's Committees on Budget (BUDG) and Budgetary Control (CONT) adopted…
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Stability and Growth Pact: greater flexibility towards fiscal stability while securing efficient public spending

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s European Commission proposal for a review of the Stability…
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Renew Europe ensures that the EU becomes the leading global actor on setting crypto-assets standards

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes the European Parliament’s clear backing of the Markets in…
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Money laundering landscape 1

Renew Europe lays the foundations for a clearly empowered and well-funded EU authority to combat money laundering and terrorist financing in Europe

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group embraces today´s adoption of the anti-money laundering (AML) and countering…
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European Semester 2023: Crisis context calls for focus on public spending and revised fiscal rules

Type: Press Release

Set up in the aftermath of the financial crisis, the European Semester has become an invaluable…
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Jobs and competitiveness landscape

Europe must embrace a new economic model to tackle its industrial emergency

Type: Press Release

Speaking in a debate in the European Parliament on ‘building the competitive economy of tomorrow’,…
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Green bonds

European Green Bonds Standard: an ambitious European instrument to enable the green transition in financial markets and to ensure transparency for investors

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s inter-institutional agreement on the European Green Bonds…
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