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For Renew Europe, the resilience of European and global forests is a major element of the Green Deal

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament, meeting in plenary session in Strasbourg, took a crucial step today with the adoption of two texts essential to the achievement of the objectives of the Green Deal for the climate, which Renew Europe has been very committed since the beginning of the legislature: the EU…
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Renew Europe Visual Team Ensure Food Security v1

Renew Europe presents its action plan on food security and response to the Ukrainian crisis

Type: Press Release

The effects of the crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have put food security and the…
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Visual crimepng

No more dodging of EU sanctions for Russian oligarchs

Type: Press Release

In the wake of Putin’s war against Ukraine, a common European approach is needed for the EU…
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CAP Common Agricultural Policy General

60th anniversary of the common agricultural policy (CAP), time to celebrate and look forward

Type: Press Release

2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the common agricultural policy (CAP), one of the cornerstones of…
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EU leaders must show unity and purpose at European Council

Type: Press Release

Ahead of the meeting of the European Council, Renew Europe repeats its call for a full EU embargo…
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European Strategic Autonomy

European Parliament endorses demands for Gerhard Schröder to be added to the EU sanctions list and for the creation of a new Strategic Autonomy Fund for Europe (SAFE)

Type: Press Release

We welcome the European Parliament's adoption of the Renew Europe-led resolution on “The social and…
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The EU must support Ukraine’s ability to trade

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe continues to stand with Ukraine. Our group therefore welcomes the endorsement, in…
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EU must prevent women and girls from suffering at the hands of Russian soldiers and traffickers

Type: Press Release

Women and girls constitute a majority of the 8 million people who have fled Putin's invasion of…
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Sixth Russian sanction package is progress but EU must go further

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the announcement of the sixth sanction package against Russia, but recalls…
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Food Security

The EU must carry the torch of global food security

Type: Press Release

At a time when a third of the world's cereal production will not make it to market following the…
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