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European Citizenship Statute

Type: Policy Paper

Policy Paper

European citizenship has not yet been fully implemented. It is a unique construct that does not exist anywhere else in the world. It began to become a reality with the Maastricht Treaty, when it was created; superimposed on the citizenship of any EU Member State, giving European citizens additional…
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Renew Europe supports the setting up of an Ethics body and urges all EU institutions to do so

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the vote on the report on the setting up of an independent EU ethics body in…
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Renew Europe defends the involvement of the EU citizens in EU decision-making, as real stakeholders of European democracy

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe helped draft and has voted in favour of the report on the citizens’ dialogues and…
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Renew Europe hails ‘unprecedented’ democratic exercise, as the Conference on the Future of Europe opens for debate

Type: Press Release

Today the co-Chairs of the Conference on the Future of Europe, a Renew Europe initiative to promote…
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European elections: pacta sunt servanda

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption of Pascal Durand's report assessing the 2019 European elections.…
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European elections: reforms are needed to make it a truly European election

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption by a very large majority of the report by Pascal Durand…
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