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The world must show its solidarity with the people of Venezuela

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament calls for a common effort to deliver solidarity with the people of Venezuela ahead of the Donors Conference starting today, convened by the EU and Spain, with the participation of over 60 countries as well as agencies of the United Nations,…
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EU funding to Hungary must be strictly controlled by the Commission

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament has debated today the COVID-19 emergency legislation in Hungary and its…
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Renew Europe welcomes EU-Belarus visa facilitation and readmission agreement

Type: Press Release

This evening Members of the European Parliament voted in favour of completing the visa facilitation…
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The Renew Europe Group urges HRVP Josep Borrell to ask for full transparency from China and to support calls for an independent investigation into the origins of the Coronavirus

Type: Press Release

Today, the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament expressed its concerns on the censorship…
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Renew Europe presents Action Plan to uphold democracy in times of COVID-19

Type: Press Release

As the Corona pandemic has unfolded over the past two months, democratic systems have been…
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The EU - Western Balkans summit is a two-way commitment to European values

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes the Zagreb declaration agreed today…
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Renew Europe welcomes the European Commission's firm action against Poland

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group held an online exchange of views today with Věra Jourová, European…
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High Representative Josep Borrell must clarify allegations EEAS report was softened at China’s request

Type: Press Release

MEPs from the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament have taken the initiative to organise a…
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Polish Government must suspend disciplinary chamber, respect the Rule of Law

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe MEPs have today welcomed the ruling of the European Court of Justice that Poland…
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Viktor Orban's power grab: The European Commission and Council must act

Type: Press Release

Yesterday, the Hungarian governing party ,Fidesz, used its 2/3 majority in Parliament to force…
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