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1528 thumb 808b

Protection and equal treatment for cross border and seasonal workers

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament will adopt tomorrow a resolution proposed and negotiated by the Renew Europe group on the situation of cross border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. Renew Europe calls for EU legislation to be correctly implemented in order to guarantee the right…
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1524 thumb 9be0

Hong Kong: The EU should use all its leverage to challenge China’s crackdown on human rights

Type: Press Release

Today, MEPs held a plenary debate on a resolution on the situation in Hong Kong, to be voted on…
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1520 thumb 81e3

Black Lives Matter: Renew Europe calls for action against racism in Europe and more diverse EU institutions

Type: Press Release

Following the demand of the Renew Europe Group, political groups in the European Parliament are…
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1517 thumb 5e2c

Persons with disabilities' rights: Renew Europe outlines its priorities for political action

Type: Press Release

Around 20% of the population of the European Union has some kind of disability. People with…
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1516 thumb 21f8

Renew Europe’s commitments to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities

Type: Policy Paper

Around 20% of the population of the European Union has some kind of disability. People with…
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1512 thumb e31b

Renew Europe acts to protect cross-border and seasonal workers

Type: Press Release

Over 17 million EU citizens live and work abroad in another EU country and more than 1,4 million…
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1509 thumb 2938

Renew Europe condemns George Floyd murder and calls for the fight against racism and discrimination to be stepped up

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament condemns the appalling murder of George Floyd in…
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1506 thumb d300

The EU must stand with the people of Hong Kong against China’s abuse of power

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s decision by the Conference of…
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1505 thumb 62f2

It’s high time to improve working conditions for seasonal workers

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament will debate and adopt a resolution proposed by the Renew Europe group, on…
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1504 thumb d285

Renew Europe Group: Juan Guaidó, the only legitimate President of the National Assembly and interim president of Venezuela

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament firmly rejects the decision of Venezuela’s…
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