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1565 thumb a348

Srebrenica massacre: A history lesson we must never forget

Type: Press Release

Today, the European Parliament commemorated a quarter of century since 8,000 Muslim men and boys from Srebrenica were slaughtered on the orders of the Bosnian Serb general, Ratko Mladić, convicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. For the…
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1564 thumb 468a

Venezuela: Renew Europe sends a strong message to Maduro and calls for targeted sanctions and a EU ban on Venezuelan blood gold

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament today approved a resolution on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and…
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1562 thumb 2997

2020 must be a decisive year for achieving equality for Roma people

Type: Press Release

Members of the European Parliament today debated the EU's plans for a new strategy advancing Roma…
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1559 thumb 6bd2

Belarus: Renew Europe Group calls for a comprehensive EU strategy

Type: Press Release

At the initiative of the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament, MEPs today debated the…
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1556 thumb 132c

MFF: Renew Europe outlines plan to safeguard the Rule of Law

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament has today agreed on a series of concrete and…
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1551 thumb 410b

EU Enlargement: Renew Europe welcomes the presentation of the draft negotiating frameworks for Albania and North Macedonia

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes the presentation by the European…
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1550 thumb c68f

Venezuela: Time for the EU and Member States to act firmly as Maduro closes doors to diplomacy

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament strongly condemns the expulsion of the EU…
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1549 thumb 35f1

European Banking Authority top job: Renew Europe asks for clear commitments on gender-balance to the candidate for executive director

Type: Press Release

Yesterday the Economic and Monetary Affairs committee heard Mr François-Louis Michaud, candidate…
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1540 thumb 1190

GDPR two years on: To ensure data protection for EU citizens, Data Protection Authorities must be equipped to do their job

Type: Press Release

Reacting to the European Commission's first review of the application of the EU General Data…
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1539 thumb 9373

Launching Renew Europe's Commitments to further the rights of Persons with Disabilities

Type: Press Release

By 2020, one-fifth of the EU population is expected to have some form of disability. People with…
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