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1661 thumb 7784

EU - Belarus relations: Our actions must focus on supporting people and civil society in their demand for human rights and democracy

Type: Press Release

Today MEPs adopted a report on EU relations with Belarus by strongly backing the European Council’s decision not to recognise the results of fraudulent presidential elections and to impose restrictive measures against 40 individuals identified as responsible for repression and intimidation against…
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1659 thumb d1c6

Moldova must keep democracy and the rule of law at the heart of its relations with the European Union, to the benefit of its citizens

Type: Press Release

Today the European Parliament adopted its report on the implementation of the EU Association…
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1658 thumb 5f43

EU citizenship must not be for sale

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has long campaigned for a European approach to investor citizenship schemes, also…
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1656 thumb 3c85

Samuel Paty: Renew Europe pays its respects, pledges action against extremism and online hate

Type: Press Release

The Renew group joins in the grief of the family, relatives and students of the teacher Samuel…
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1654 thumb 9db4

Steps must be taken to create a European FBI

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe MEPs hosted a webinar today to discuss EUROPOL and how to boost the EU's law…
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1653 thumb 178a

The European Council must make the adoption of the European “Magnitsky Act” a top priority

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament urges the European Council to include the…
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1643 thumb 0f4e

Renew Europe calls for corruption and money-laundering to be tackled in Bulgaria

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the rule of law and fundamental rights in…
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1641 thumb b8b6

Tackling Europe's Rule of Law crisis must be prioritised

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament today adopted a report on the establishment of a mechanism for democracy,…
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1635 thumb 2f39

Digital services: new rules are needed to protect users' fundamental rights

Type: Press Release

In view of the European Commission's forthcoming adoption of the Digital Services Act, the European…
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1633 thumb 5f59

Renew Europe reminds Valdis Dombrovskis that European values and interests must be at the heart of EU trade policy

Type: Press Release

Today, the International Trade Committee is holding a hearing with Commission Executive…
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