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1738 thumb d914

Terrorist Content Online: Renew Europe helps file over the finish line

Type: Press Release

After months of tough negotiations and hard work, Renew Europe is proud to have played a vital role in securing a deal. The recent terrorist attacks in Europe have shown how terrorists use the internet to recruit, to glorify their crimes and to spread their harmful propaganda. Renew Europe has…
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1737 thumb 7e56

INVITATION: TODAY: RENEW Europe online webinar: Forced sterilization of trans persons; a tortuous practice standing in the way of self-determination

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group would like to invite you to : a webinar on “Forced sterilization of…
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1733 thumb 9521

Europol: Higher level of ambition needed for closer steps towards a "European FBI"

Type: Press Release

Today, Renew Europe welcomes the Commission's proposal on strengthening Europol's mandate, which…
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1729 thumb 7152

EU “Magnitsky Act”: Renew Europe welcomes the adoption of the long-awaited mechanism to punish those responsible for human rights violations

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s adoption by the Council of a…
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1728 thumb ca52

Renew: e-Evidence is a vital tool, but safeguards are insufficient

Type: Press Release

Renew is a strong supporter of much closer police and justice cooperation in the European Union.…
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1722 thumb 939a

European Democracy Action Plan : let’s be ambitious !

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the European Democracy Action Plan (EDAP). The European Commission makes a…
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Euuropol web white

FROM EUROPOL TOWARDS A “EUROPEAN FBI” Boosting the Union’s Law Enforcement Competences - Position Paper

Type: Policy Paper

Organised crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking are and remain major threats in…
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1720 thumb e689

Europol needs stronger muscles to tackle organised crimes and terrorism

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has today called for a more powerful Europol to fight serious organised crime and…
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1719 thumb 3ecf

No one should be left behind in a fair and inclusive EU

Type: Press Release

The rights of persons with disabilities have for too long been insufficiently protected. No one…
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1706 thumb d3b0

Polish women must be granted autonomy over their own bodies

Type: Press Release

This autumn, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal adopted a ruling that makes abortion on the grounds…
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