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Instant Payment revolution landscape

Instant payments revolution is here: the new standard across Europe for the benefit of consumers and businesses!

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the endorsement of the trilogue agreement on the Instant Payments Regulation, widely adopted by the plenary of the European Parliament today. This piece of legislation aims to set an obligation on payment service providers to offer instant payments (no more than 10 seconds…
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Net Zero Industry Act Stars landscape OK

Deal on Net Zero Industry Act: a strong wake-up call to regain control of EU's industrial sovereignty

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the inter-institutional agreement reached between the European Parliament and…
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Gigabit Act landscape

End to fees on Intra-EU phone calls under Renew Europe’s watch

Type: Press Release

Under Renew Europe’s and MEP Alin MITUȚA’s (REPER, Romania) leadership, an agreement on the Gigabit…
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ESG ratings

ESG ratings: deal ensures a transparent and competitive framework to favour truly sustainable business investments across the EU

Type: Press Release

No green transition is possible without private capital and EU companies’ support. That´s why Renew…
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Money laundering landscape OK

Hearings on AMLA’s future headquarters: Renew Europe will deliver guarantees for a fully transparent and fair selection process

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today's official kick-off of the public hearings to decide on the Anti-Money…
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Money laundering landscape OK

Anti-Money Laundering Package: deal strengthens the common framework to crackdown on dirty money in Europe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today’s early inter-institutional agreement reached between the European…
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Money laundering landscape

Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA): deal sets clear competences of the future agency, but negotiations on the seat are still ongoing

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes today’s early interinstitutional agreement on the competences and powers of…
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A European Health Data Space for best medical care across Europe

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe group welcomes today's plenary green light on the establishment of a European…
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Critical raw materials OK

Critical Raw Materials Act: less dependency on China, greater EU industrial sovereignty

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe embraces today´s overwhelming plenary support for the trilogue agreement on the…
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SGP 2024

Economic Governance Review: we secure a balanced and responsible framework to make EU fit for the current challenges

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe Group welcomes today’s endorsement by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs…
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