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1887 detail 3881

Renew Europe welcomes new law to fight the dissemination of terrorist content online

Type: Press Release

Tonight the European Parliament adopted the long-awaited Terrorist Content Online Regulation. Finally, we will have proper legislation on the European level to swiftly get harmful terrorist content off the web. Maite Pagazaurtundúa, Renew Europe’s shadow rapporteur on the Terrorist Content Online…
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1879 detail 4bf3

Renew Europe condemns the attack on the independence of the Constitutional Court of Moldova

Type: Press Release

Last Friday, April 23, the parliamentary majority in the Republic of Moldova revoked the mandate of…
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1881 detail 20ba

Renew Europe calls for a geopolitical Union, speaking with one voice

Type: Press Release

The European Union is evolving more than ever in an unstable environment. But, paradoxically, at a…
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European Parliament leaders call for solidarity over Russian attack in the Czech Republic

Type: Press Release

« We are shocked by the recent reports of the involvement of Russian GRU intelligence services in…
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1871 detail 9d14

Renew Europe hails ‘unprecedented’ democratic exercise, as the Conference on the Future of Europe opens for debate

Type: Press Release

Today the co-Chairs of the Conference on the Future of Europe, a Renew Europe initiative to promote…
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1870 detail 44fc

Vaccines approval: political pressure in Slovakia is unacceptable

Type: Press Release

European Parliament Renew Europe group strongly rejects political pressure and attacks on…
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1869 detail 7f01

Renew Europe condemns the Polish Constitutional Court dismissal of Ombudsman Adam Bodnar

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe strongly regrets that the Polish Constitutional Court, controlled by the ruling PiS…
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1867 detail e2aa

Navalny & Ukraine: The EU must warn Putin there will be consequences for further provocations, says Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has initiated a cross party letter, co-signed by fellow leaders within the European…
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1865 detail ae6a

Renew Europe demands a gender perspective in EU trade policy

Type: Press Release

Today, Renew Europe published and presented during a webinar its position paper on Gender and Trade…
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1862 detail e95e

Any relaunch of EU - Turkey relations must be based on a return to democratic values

Type: Press Release

Ahead of the visit to Ankara today by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and President of…
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