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1580 thumb b576

MFF & NextGenerationEU must reflect our values, our vision and our ambition

Type: Press Release

The negotiations taking place this weekend among EU-leaders on the budget for the next seven years and a Recovery Fund are crucial. The combined figures might be impressive — a trillion euro budget turbocharged by a 750bn Recovery Fund. But if we look closer, this is a small EU budget. The Recovery…
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Privacy shield: Renew Europe calls for a new agreement to secure citizens’ rights and certainty for businesses

Type: Press Release

The European Court of Justice has decided to invalidate the Privacy Shield, the scheme under which…
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Poland: serious, sustained and systemic breach of the rule of law, MEPs say

Type: Press Release

The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs is set to adopt a draft report tomorrow,…
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1571 thumb 04e5

Renew Europe rapporteur presents draft report for an EU Mechanism on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights

Type: Press Release

At a meeting of the European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee…
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2020 must be a decisive year for achieving equality for Roma people

Type: Press Release

Members of the European Parliament today debated the EU's plans for a new strategy advancing Roma…
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1557 thumb d7b8

Renew Europe demands a more ambitious EU approach to anti-money laundering policies and for enhanced supervision in light of Wirecard scandal

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament will adopt this Friday a resolution addressing anti-money laundering and…
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MFF: Renew Europe outlines plan to safeguard the Rule of Law

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament has today agreed on a series of concrete and…
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10 commitments for LGBTI rights

Type: Policy Paper

Please click here to read our 10 commitments for LGBTI rights
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