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1616 thumb 80b1

Renew Europe demands a binding EU framework for national Roma strategies

Type: Press Release

Today, the European Parliament adopted a report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies, clearly stating the Parliament's contribution to the Commission's new EU Framework on Roma Equality and Inclusion Strategies that will be presented in October. Despite positive steps at…
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1615 thumb 50e8

Moria fire shows urgent need for a future - proof new pact on migration and asylum

Type: Press Release

Last week's tragic news of the destructive fire in the refugee camp in Moria left no one without…
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1608 thumb b412

EU Governments and EU institutions must embrace EU Action Plan Against Racism

Type: Press Release

During the annual State of the European Union speech, the President of the Commission, Ursula von…
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1606 thumb 8d62

State of the European Union: Dacian Cioloş calls for a Europe that protects and prospers

Type: Press Release

President, Europe has made considerable progress in recent months. There is no doubt that the…
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1603 thumb bb31

State of the European Union: Renew expect clear engagement from the Commission for a Europe that protects its citizens, its values and its future.

Type: Press Release

Dacian CIOLOȘ, President of Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament, says a plan for Europe…
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1602 thumb 9ca8

Poland's Rule of Law crisis must be urgently addressed

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe MEPs have today warned that, since the triggering of the Article 7 procedure against…
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1590 thumb ab22

‘There can be no rebates on European values’: Renew Europe leads demand for an effective rule of law mechanism

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe today took the initiative to write to Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, which…
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1589 thumb 98a3

"We call for new and free elections in Belarus"

Type: Press Release

In a common statement initiated by Dacian Cioloş, President of Renew Europe, leaders from Renew…
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1587 thumb a434

Poland: Renew Europe condemns heavy-handed targeting of LGBTI activists, calls for the release of activist Margot

Type: Press Release

Responding to the arrest of at least 48 LGBTI activists and members of the anti-homophobia group…
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1585 thumb 7e71

Media freedom in Hungary: There is no truth without someone to speak about it

Type: Press Release

In the same week that Viktor Orbán returned to Budapest claiming triumph from this week’s European…
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