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1922 detail 3576

Renew Europe welcomes 'truly historic' launch of the EPPO, a tool to tackle corruption and fraud across Europe

Type: Press Release

On the eve of the launch of the long-awaited European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), Renew Europe salutes this historic moment, which will improve the protection of the EU's financial interests and combat white-collar crime. The office will have the competence to investigate and prosecute…
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1917 detail 4df1

EU leaders must respond with unity and determination to state hijacking of Ryanair flight and detention of Roman Protasevich

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament strongly condemns the violation of international…
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1912 detail 8603

Chinese sanctions: Renew Europe calls on the European Commission to freeze the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament condemns in the strongest possible terms the…
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1911 detail e0e9

Protecting EU citizens from mass surveillance is key in data agreements with the UK and US

Type: Press Release

Data privacy is on the agenda of the European Parliament today. Once again, Renew Europe restates…
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1909 detail 6254

Turkey: Renew Europe calls on the EU to formally suspend accession negotiations, if Ankara doesn’t urgently change course

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament strongly condemns the Turkish Government’s…
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1903 detail 66b6

Renew Europe calls Commission to involve Parliament early in order to make the European recovery plan a success

Type: Press Release

European institutions must work together

The European Commission is now reviewing the details on how the majority of EU countries will spend…
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1897 detail 73a8

Conference on the Future of Europe ushers in a new era of citizen-led reform

Type: Press Release

On Europe Day, Renew Europe has heralded a new era of pan - European citizen engagement and EU…
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1892 detail 111e

Dacian Cioloş expresses his condolences on the death of Hans van Baalen

Type: Press Release

« I am saddened to learn of the passing of Hans van Baalen, President of the ALDE party. My…
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1889 detail 6836

Pakistan: The EU must act to protect religious communities against abusive Blasphemy Laws

Type: Press Release

Today, MEPs adopted an urgency resolution on the blasphemy laws in Pakistan, in particular the case…
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Renew Europe Group calls for a united and firm EU response to Russia’s hostile behaviour

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament strongly condemned the involvement of Russian…
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