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1947 detail 40ee

Cuban authorities must abide by their obligations laid down in the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with the EU

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament condemns the increasing repression of Cuban authorities against any form of democratic expression, the absence of spaces for pluralistic political participation, the lack of judicial independence and free speech protections and calls on the EU to…
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1943 detail 493c

The EU must strengthen its role in the United Nations by becoming more effective, coherent and strategic

Type: Press Release

Today the European Parliament adopted its position concerning the EU priorities at the 75th and…
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1942 detail 5740

G7 & EU-US Summit: multilateralism is the only solution to tackle shared global challenges

Type: Press Release

Dacian Cioloş, president of Renew Europe, has warned that the stakes are high for the forthcoming…
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1936 detail 4a48

Renew Europe Group calls on the EU to increase its direct support to the Belarusian opposition, civil society and independent media

Type: Press Release

During today’s plenary debate on the resolution dealing with the continuing repression in Belarus…
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1938 detail dcb0

Global Europe: a pioneering financing instrument for an ambitious development policy

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe will support the Global Europe instrument in the European Parliament during the voting…
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1930 detail d585

Renew Europe calls for the reactivation of the Malta Declaration to end deaths at sea and offer concrete solidarity to frontline Member States

Type: Press Release

The recent tragic deaths at the Mediterranean Sea are a cold, hard reminder that the current Common…
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1928 detail 9871

Annual Rule of Law report must be backed by concrete legal action

Type: Press Release

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1925 detail 9b2e

Renew Europe shapes new law to make big companies pay taxes in the countries they make profits and increase tax transparency

Type: Press Release

After five years of political deadlock, the European Parliament reached an agreement with EU…
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1926 detail f11e

Renew Europe will seek legal action against the European Commission for failure to apply the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has had enough of the constant delaying tactics and playing for time - the Rule of Law…
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1921 detail 39de

Renew Europe launches cycle of ‘Values Talks’, starting with the Estonian Prime Minister

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe family this week launches a series of monthly ‘Values Talks’ with the…
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