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1728 thumb ca52

Renew: e-Evidence is a vital tool, but safeguards are insufficient

Type: Press Release

Renew is a strong supporter of much closer police and justice cooperation in the European Union. Obtaining electronic evidence is a centrepiece of a well-functioning security union. However, giving direct access for police and judiciary to information held by service providers in another Member…
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1722 thumb 939a

European Democracy Action Plan : let’s be ambitious !

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the European Democracy Action Plan (EDAP). The European Commission makes a…
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1720 thumb e689

Europol needs stronger muscles to tackle organised crimes and terrorism

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has today called for a more powerful Europol to fight serious organised crime and…
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1719 thumb 3ecf

No one should be left behind in a fair and inclusive EU

Type: Press Release

The rights of persons with disabilities have for too long been insufficiently protected. No one…
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1706 thumb d3b0

Polish women must be granted autonomy over their own bodies

Type: Press Release

This autumn, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal adopted a ruling that makes abortion on the grounds…
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1704 thumb 41ab

Dacian Cioloş: Europe must not be ‘held hostage’ by those who behave like despots

Type: Press Release

Dacian Cioloş, leader of Renew Europe put the blame for the blockage in the European budget…
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1699 thumb d093

Renew Europe warns fundamental rights are at risk in the EU

Type: Press Release

This morning, MEPs debated a report, due to be adopted by the European Parliament this week, on the…
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1697 thumb e648

Renew Europe call for strengthened media freedom and pluralism in Europe

Type: Press Release

Media freedom is a core pillar of democracy, but Renew Europe MEPs are deeply concerned at how it's…
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1689 thumb 05d8

Covid-19 measures must not jeopardise democracy, the rule of law or fundamental rights

Type: Press Release

The Covid-19 pandemic has provided a smokescreen for illiberal leaders to challenge democratic…
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1688 thumb 92fa

Renew Europe will lead the fight for LGBTIQ rights

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the European Commission’s launch of an LGBTIQ Equality Strategy today, but…
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