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1678 thumb 8cc7

Renew Europe negotiators put EU priorities at the heart of the recovery plan.

Type: Press Release

Members of the Budgetary and Economic Affairs Committees today adopted their position on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the programme through which most of the EU recovery money will be channelled. Renew Europe MEPs have entered the talks with other parliamentary groups with three…
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1646 thumb 6f1f

Europe must be a global leader in the fight against money laundering

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament’s plenary session hosted a debate on the Fight against money laundering,…
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1644 thumb 60aa

“The pandemic made Europeans go digital, now EU legislation must catch up”, says Rapporteur of the report on Digital Finance.

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament has overwhelmingly supported the report on Digital Finance, led by Ondřej…
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1639 thumb 80da

Renew Europe MEPs react to Eurogroup's male-only list of candidates to ECB Board.

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe deplores the decision made by the Eurogroup to present, once again, a male-only…
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1634 thumb 3bb1

Renew Europe backs Mairéad McGuinness to deliver ambitious reform and secure a brighter financial future for all Europeans

Type: Press Release

After being cross-examined this morning in the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs…
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1624 thumb 5dd1

ECB Board: nominate a woman and a man for Parliament to pick from, Renew Europe MEPs say

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) MEPs in the European Parliament have adopted…
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1584 thumb 681d

Renew Europe hails recovery fund as an historic move, backs cross-party resolution calling for the opening of negotiations to improve the EU's 7-year budget.

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the Recovery instrument agreed by the European Council. The Instrument is a…
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1583 thumb e5df

Dacian Cioloş: Time to bring the magic back to our European Project

Type: Press Release

Speaking today in the European Parliament’s debate on the outcome of this week’s European Summit,…
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1582 thumb 9357

EU Summit deal: Renew Europe welcomes historic leap forward on recovery fund, will negotiate hard to build a stronger MFF

Type: Press Release

Responding to the political agreement reached in the European Council on the MFF and Next…
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1580 thumb b576

MFF & NextGenerationEU must reflect our values, our vision and our ambition

Type: Press Release

The negotiations taking place this weekend among EU-leaders on the budget for the next seven years…
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