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1429 thumb b139

Renew Europe insists on a PCI list compatible with the Green Deal.

Type: Press Release

Tomorrow, MEPs vote on the objection to the fourth Union list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI). The PCI list is intended to facilitate the creation of a resilient European energy infrastructure and to help the Union achieve its energy policy and climate objectives: affordable, secure and…
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1420 thumb 7b84

Renew Europe ready to deliver a more effective & capable Union

Type: Press Release

Ahead of the the presentation of the Working Programme of the European Commission, Renew Europe has…
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1408 thumb b404

Renew Europe supports legally-binding targets to protect biodiversity

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament will adopt its position today for the UN biodiversity conference (COP15) to…
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1407 thumb ea80

Renew Europe's priorities for Europe's Green Deal adopted by European Parliament

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament today adopted its position on the European Commission's Green Deal, taking…
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1387 thumb 0778

Parliament sends a clear message: There is no Planet B!

Type: Press Release

Members of the European Parliament have voted today on two important resolutions highlighting the…
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1376 thumb 33ee

Renew Europe tables a resolution to declare Climate Emergency

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament's Conference of Presidents have accepted today the proposal of the Renew…
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1365 thumb ea5b

EU must be united at the COP 25 in Madrid

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament's Environment Committee (ENVI) adopted a resolution today calling on…
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1318 thumb b105

2020 EU budget: Renew Europe will fight for the 20% climate goal.

Type: Press Release

Today Renew Europe adopted its position on the draft EU budget for 2020. The group's top priority…
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