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1815 thumb e126

Renew Europe demands ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure the swift application of the Rule of Law regulation

Type: Press Release

In the face of intensifying Rule of Law backsliding and corruption linked to EU funding in some Member States, Renew Europe led a determined and successful campaign for an effective and comprehensive Rule of Law conditionality mechanism, now a ground-breaking and indispensable part of the EU budget…
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1805 thumb c121

Renew Europe calls on the European Parliament to declare the EU a zone of freedom for all LGBTI people

Type: Press Release

Two years ago, in March 2019, the first homophobic and transphobic declaration in Poland was…
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1800 thumb a33b

Renew Europe warns COVID19 is undermining fight against Human Trafficking

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe MEPs have today issued a 'wake-up call' that the COVID19 pandemic is…
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1796 thumb eb45

Renew Europe deeply regrets European Parliament refusal to cooperate with Transparency International

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe took note with great interest the reports from Transparency International EU on the…
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1793 thumb fed6

Renew Europe secures deal to uphold EU values

Type: Press Release

Today, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted the provisional agreement…
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1792 thumb c751

Technorealism, not technophobia

Type: Press Release

Shaping the digital future of Europe is one of Renew Europe's core interests. New technologies hold…
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1788 thumb b988

New Scrutiny group in the European Parliament will monitor allegations against Frontex

Type: Press Release

Renew welcomes the decision of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs to…
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1786 thumb 9953

Renew Europe condemns the regressive abortion ban in Poland

Type: Press Release

The Polish Constitutional Tribunal - which is under the Polish PiS Government's control - yesterday…
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1772 thumb 074e

Humanitarian crises at Europe's borders shows need for sustainable border management and dignified reception capacities

Type: Press Release

The EU must increase its capacity for proper border management and efficient enforcement at the…
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1766 thumb 8bca

Public clarification demanded on the Portuguese appointment to EPPO

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe expresses its deepest concerns about the appointment process of the Portuguese…
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