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Poland image021 09 15 at 09 27 42 2

Renew Europe condemns the Polish Government's "frontal attack" on media freedom and the rule of law

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is deeply disturbed to witness how media freedom, a core pillar of democracy, is threatened in Poland. In today's plenary debate in the European Parliament, our group strongly condemns the PiS Government's latest attempt to silence critical voices through the so-called Lex-TVN bill,…
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1 general

Dacian Cioloş urges Commission President: “Time for us to become a Europe of results”

Type: Press Release

Today during the annual debate today on the “State of the Union” in the European Parliament in…
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Sakharov 2021 Navalny Twitter

Alexei Navalny is the Renew Europe Group’s candidate for the Sakharov Prize 2021

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament today designated its candidate for the Sakharov…
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EU China

The new EU-China strategy must have fundamental values at its core

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament calls for the EU to set the foundations for a…
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Afghanistan: Renew Europe calls for a comprehensive EU strategy to fight the current crisis

Type: Press Release

During today’s plenary debate on the situation in Afghanistan, the Renew Europe Group in the…
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Vaccinate the world

Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech: the EU can (and must) vaccinate the globe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe MEPs want Ursula von der Leyen to use her State of the Union speech to announce the EU…
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Renew Europe welcomes penalties imposed on the Polish Government for undermining the independence of judges

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe welcomes the decisions taken today by the European Commission, requesting the European…
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Renew Europe temp logo square

Renew Europe Group working days in Paris

Type: Press Release

From Monday to Wednesday, Renew Europe is participating in a series of meetings in Paris, at the…
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Venezuela: Regional and local elections are an opportunity to restore hope and democracy

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes the Venezuelan opposition’s decision to…
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Orban’s recovery plan: all the more reason for cast iron guarantees

Type: Press Release

Today the European Commission released its yearly assessment of the Rule of law situation in…
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