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1926 detail f11e

Renew Europe will seek legal action against the European Commission for failure to apply the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has had enough of the constant delaying tactics and playing for time - the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism, applicable since 1 January 2021, must promptly be applied by the Commission. The situation in a number of Member States needs to be scrutinised, and actions taken, without…
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1922 detail 3576

Renew Europe welcomes 'truly historic' launch of the EPPO, a tool to tackle corruption and fraud across Europe

Type: Press Release

On the eve of the launch of the long-awaited European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), Renew…
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1911 detail e0e9

Protecting EU citizens from mass surveillance is key in data agreements with the UK and US

Type: Press Release

Data privacy is on the agenda of the European Parliament today. Once again, Renew Europe restates…
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1915 detail 0885

EU Digital Covid Certificate: Renew Europe welcomes deal to help re-establish free movement

Type: Press Release

After long and tough negotiations, the EU legislators today found an agreement on the design of the…
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1885 detail af09

One step closer to an EU Covid-19 Certificate accessible to all citizens

Type: Press Release

The EU Covid-19 Certificate, which proves that a person has been vaccinated against, received a…
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1887 detail 3881

Renew Europe welcomes new law to fight the dissemination of terrorist content online

Type: Press Release

Tonight the European Parliament adopted the long-awaited Terrorist Content Online Regulation.…
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1869 detail 7f01

Renew Europe condemns the Polish Constitutional Court dismissal of Ombudsman Adam Bodnar

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe strongly regrets that the Polish Constitutional Court, controlled by the ruling PiS…
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1867 detail e2aa

Navalny & Ukraine: The EU must warn Putin there will be consequences for further provocations, says Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has initiated a cross party letter, co-signed by fellow leaders within the European…
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1862 detail e95e

Any relaunch of EU - Turkey relations must be based on a return to democratic values

Type: Press Release

Ahead of the visit to Ankara today by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and President of…
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1859 detail ec0c

Rule of Law: the Polish government taken to the European Court again over lack of independence of the judiciary

Type: Press Release

We welcome the European Commission's announcement that it will launch an infringement procedure…
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