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1972 detail 4fcb

European Parliament adopts temporary regulation to combat sexual child abuse online

Type: Press Release

Fighting any form of child sexual abuse is paramount for Renew Europe.

Fighting any form of child sexual abuse is paramount for Renew Europe. Tomorrow, the European Parliament is due to approve the agreement on temporary measures to allow providers of electronic communications services to continue their voluntary activities to combat child sexual abuse online. The…
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1971 detail 8459

Renew Europe welcomes step to transform EASO into a full-fledged EU Asylum Agency

Type: Press Release

Today, an agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the new EU…
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1967 detail 4492

European migration and asylum policy is the EU’s next “mission impossible”

Type: Press Release

“A robust, humane and effective European migration and asylum policy is the EU’s next mission…
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1968 detail 7485

Renew Europe condemns PM Janša's move to interfere the process of appointing EPPO prosecutors

Type: Press Release

In a debate in the European Parliament today, Renew Europe expresses its concerns regarding the…
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1963 detail 432d

Renew Europe welcomes declaration by 13 EU Member States condemning Hungarian Government’s ‘shameful assault on LGBTI rights’

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group has today welcomed the joint declaration of a number of EU Member States,…
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1950 detail 0e67

Renew Europe condemns Viktor Orbán's 'Putinisation' of Hungary with new law undermining LGBTIQ rights

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe condemns the retrograde adoption of a new law by the Hungarian Parliament today…
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1945 detail c30e

The European Commission must apply the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism now or face legal action

Type: Press Release

The application of the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism, which is Union law since the beginning…
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1933 detail 43c7

EU Digital Covid Certificate: Renew Europe welcomes deal, calls on Member States to refrain from imposing additional travel restrictions

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament will today vote to adopt the agreement on the EU Digital Covid Certificate…
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1930 detail d585

Renew Europe calls for the reactivation of the Malta Declaration to end deaths at sea and offer concrete solidarity to frontline Member States

Type: Press Release

The recent tragic deaths at the Mediterranean Sea are a cold, hard reminder that the current Common…
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1928 detail 9871

Annual Rule of Law report must be backed by concrete legal action

Type: Press Release

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