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211021 Safer Internet for children in the EU position Paper web blue

Children deserve a safer internet

Type: Press Release

Today, with its first ever position paper on the issue of online child abuse, commercial targeting and privacy infringements, Renew Europe calls upon EU policy makers to take the interests of children into account throughout the EU law-making process within the digital field. At least one in five…
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Labour migration

Renew Europe drives the creation of new avenues for legal migration to the EU

Type: Press Release

Under the leadership of Renew Europe's Abir Al-Sahlani, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice…
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Renew Europe demands Polish women have autonomy over their own bodies

Type: Press Release

On 22 October 2020, the illegitimate Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruled to impose a de facto ban…
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Poland debate PR

Poland: The European Council must defend the EU's legal order and address the PiS Government's rejection of the primacy of EU law at the 21-22 October summit

Type: Press Release

The illegitimate Polish Constitutional Tribunal's rejection of the primacy of EU law is an attack…
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Media Freedom SLAPP

Protect free speech and media freedom, demands Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament champions the protection of media freedom and…
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Time to strengthen the resilience of EU critical infrastructure

Type: Press Release

Today, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted a legislative report,…
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Whats App Image 2021 10 12 at 09 07 17

Important steps forward in strengthening Europol's mandate

Type: Press Release

With cross-border crime and terrorism rapidly evolving in nature and sophistication, Renew Europe…
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Pic Poland

Renew Europe requests urgent plenary debate on Poland’s rejection of the Primacy of EU law

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is disturbed by the decision of the illegitimate Polish Constitutional Tribunal to…
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Whats App Image 2021 10 07 at 17 45 51

European Commission must not give in to Polish Government's 'contrived' court decision on the primacy of EU law

Type: Press Release

The Polish Constitutional Tribunal - controlled by the PiS Government - today issued a decision…
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EU Asylum agency EUAA

New deal on EU Asylum Agency gives hope for progress on the Migration and Asylum Pact negotiations

Type: Press Release

Today the European Parliament debates the long-awaited agreement on the new EU Asylum Agency…
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