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1764 thumb 2a10

Renew Europe calls for full transparency on vaccine approvals, requests urgent plenary debate on EU’s vaccination strategy

Type: Press Release

The European Medicines Agency's (EMA) approval of a second Covid vaccine, Moderna, is another step forward in tackling the pandemic. Renew Europe has strongly defended the reinforcement of the EMA's role in this, which is vital to combine trust in the science, speed in application and solidarity…
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1761 thumb f30d

EMA authorises first Covid-19 vaccines: MEP reactions

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has been very active in boosting Europe's role in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic, with…
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Deal on the EU’s recovery facility regulation

Type: Press Release

MEPs and the German presidency struck a political deal on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the…
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LIFE-programme approved: protection of nature gets European boost

Type: Press Release

The European institutions have just reached an agreement on the LIFE-programme, funding projects…
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The agreement on the European Health Programme EU4Health

Type: Press Release

After difficult negotiations, the European Parliament and the European Council came to an agreement…
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1739 thumb 6df5

Covid-19 vaccination: Renew Europe repeat call for transparency, fairness and EU-cooperation

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe continues to push for transparency and EU-wide cooperation in battling the Covid-19…
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1704 thumb 41ab

Dacian Cioloş: Europe must not be ‘held hostage’ by those who behave like despots

Type: Press Release

Dacian Cioloş, leader of Renew Europe put the blame for the blockage in the European budget…
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European Parliament report on EU4Health programme agreed

Type: Press Release

The COVID-19 crisis underlined how the European Union has so far been unable to protect its…
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Renew Europe welcomes the European Health Union starting to take shape

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe is happy to see most of the principles it outlined earlier to build a European…
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1660 thumb 78f7

Our Union is the key to overcome the challenges of Brexit and Covid

Type: Press Release

Dacian Cioloş, Leader of the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament has warned that the EU…
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