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1939 detail f34c

Renew Europe urges Member States to swiftly turn the EU Biodiversity Strategy into action

Type: Press Release

Previous collective failures in the Union to meet targets to ensure the protection of biodiversity must not be repeated. With Wednesday’s adoption of the new 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy, which includes much needed urgent action to stop the population decline of bees and other pollinators, Renew…
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1918 detail d9d5

Green deal: rail transport will only be able to deploy its full environmental capacities if traffic management is harmonised

Type: Press Release

European transport policy will be the most impacted by the Green Deal, as this sector contributes…
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1913 detail 202d

Concrete measures and clear sanctions needed against companies that harm the environment, says Renew Europe

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe insists that all existing EU environmental protection legislation should be properly…
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1910 detail 4b7d

EP adopts the Renew Europe Group’s call for the right to a safe and healthy environment to be introduced in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Type: Press Release

In a report led by the Renew Europe MEP Soraya Rodriguez, the European Parliament pushes for the…
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1905 detail 2d06

European Commission urged to present decarbonisation measures while securing affordability and supply

Type: Press Release

Following Tuesday’s adoption by the European Parliament of two parliamentary initiative reports on…
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1907 detail 0ef6

Global vaccination effort needed to avoid a ‘perpetual pandemic’

Type: Press Release

The European Union should work internationally and take the lead to urgently end inequality in…
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1902 detail e11c

Renew Europe calls for progress in reducing unwanted fish catches

Type: Press Release

Catches of unwanted fish and their discard at sea constitutes a substantial waste of natural…
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1898 detail a9d2

Renew Europe demands concrete EU-action to address Europe's mental health crisis

Type: Press Release

The Covid-19 pandemic, with subsequent lockdowns and restrictions in access to non – Covid related…
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1899 detail 1840


Type: Press Release

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which…
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210317 Mental Health 4 RE web white

Towards a comprehensive European Mental Health Strategy

Type: Policy Paper

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which…
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