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1821 thumb 8948

Renew Europe: Much better coordination and cooperation needed for EU to reach vaccination target

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament continues to push for faster vaccination efforts across Europe. Yesterday a hearing was held of the joint Health and Industry committees, together with commissioners Kyriakides and Breton and CEOs from the seven pharmaceutical companies that are currently producing vaccines…
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1809 thumb 63a6

COVID19: EU must ‘get in the driving seat’ on new variants to avoid a ‘perpetual pandemic’

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has today called on the European Commission and EU Member States to act urgently to…
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1802 thumb 65d0

Vaccines programme: Europe has no room for mistakes

Type: Press Release

Dacian Cioloş, Renew Europe President warned the European Commission "Europe has no room for…
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1794 thumb 3297

Dacian Cioloş, in a group meeting with Thierry Breton: ''EU must harness its industrial might to increase vaccine production''

Type: Press Release

The European Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, today attended an extraordinary…
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1790 thumb eb73

Beating cancer together: Renew Europe welcomes the Commission's new cancer plan

Type: Press Release

Today, the European Commission has published its strategy to beat cancer, an illness that affects…
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1789 thumb a410

Efficiency, transparency, solidarity: the EU should lead the vaccine challenge

Type: Press Release

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was invited to attend the Renew Europe Group meeting…
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1787 thumb 7323

Renew Europe demands transparency on vaccine contracts

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe calls on the European Commission and vaccine producers to provide transparency on…
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1785 thumb 68f7

Sustainability becomes the norm: ENVI-committee approves Huitema (Renew Europe) report on circular economy

Type: Press Release

The European Parliament's environment committee (ENVI) has just approved the Huitema report on the…
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1784 thumb cc48

Renew Europe calls on vaccine producers to honour their commitments

Type: Press Release

Renew Europe has today welcomed the announcement, by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, of…
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1771 thumb 9358

The EU’s vaccination strategy risks being undermined by delays and secrecy

Type: Press Release

During a plenary debate on EU’s vaccination strategy today in the European Parliament, Renew…
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